La Leche League Leaders are experienced parents who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers, parents, and parents-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding.
They are available by phone and e-mail whenever you have breastfeeding questions or concerns. Calling or e-mailing a Leader is FREE, as are our meetings. La Leche League of Michigan is one of 20 Areas under LLL Alliance for Breastfeeding Education in La Leche League International. La Leche League of Michigan supports La Leche League Leaders who are affiliated with La Leche League of Michigan.
La Leche League International is committed to serving everyone inclusive of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental ability, socio-economic status, political views, gender identity, sexual orientation, family structure, or other protected status. LLLI seeks the equitable accreditation of a diverse body of Leaders.